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Healing and a way forward...



Steps to my personal healing journey

Personally recognise that changes need to occur and healing needs to begin.

To embark on any healing journey there must first be the recognition that healing needs to occur. 

Sometimes you just decide enough is enough or sometimes something happens which forces you to make changes in your life.  However your decision to make changes occurs – it is still an important step in your life’s journey!

Some of the things you may experience are;

  • Guilt for having found yourself in this situation in the first place.

  • Shamed because others are judging you because of your circumstances.

  • Anger relating to why these things have happened in your life.

  • Sadness for the losses you have already experienced and the future losses of family and friends that may be part of the new changes you need to make.

  • Fear regarding the changes that you will have to make to begin your new journey.

Seek assistance from an appropriate support organisation

Find a community or government organisation that can help and support you – one that will listen to your needs and has the resources to assist you.

  • If you don’t know any support agencies, ask around for recommendations from friends or family.

  • If the organisation that you contact can’t help you ask them to refer you to another agency that can.

  • Sometimes you may need to talk to a number of support organisations till you find the one that suits you best and listens to what you need.

Be clear about what you need to embark on your own personal healing journey

 Being clear about what you need can be daunting, as it’s not often in our lives that we feel empowered enough to ask specifically for what we need.  Sometimes it can take a bit of time to even work out what you actually want.

  • Think about what you need to begin to make changes in your life.

  • Write down a list or talk to someone who is neutral and won’t be influence by other factors.

  • Be clear to your support worker or organisation that this is what you need to give you the best chance of making positive changes in your life.

  • Explore your life and look from the outside in….what needs to occur to improve the wellbeing of you and your family, and what can you do to make this happen?

Make a commitment to make changes in your life


Each person needs to make a commitment to heal their own trauma, and to improve their wellbeing and that of their families and community – no one else can do this for you.  Even if you are being forced to make changes because of your situation, if you are not committed to the changes they will only be temporary.

  •  Changes are often challenging therefore find someone to talk to about what is happening for you and how these changes will affect your life and your family.

  •  When/if times get tough have a list of support people who will understand you and not judge you for what you are going through.


 Acknowledge each time you achieve a positive result.  You have worked hard through this and need to recognise that each small achievement has the potential to make huge changes in your life and that of your family.

  • Make down each achievement and put it where you can see them – in your bedroom, on the fridge, etc, as a constant reminder to yourself of your success.

  • Write down major goals or set milestones, and when you achieve each one, celebrate your success with friends or family who support you.

  • Understand that you are a role model to other friends and family and hold your head high as you work your way on your life’s path with a positive outlook for the future.

 “When we engage in a relationship with our inner selves, and trust the ancient wisdom of the land and our Ancestors,  we begin a journey of healing our bodies, our spirit, our families and our communities”…   

Mel Brown

Recognise your achievements

Scroll down to-  

1. Steps to my personal healing journey

2. How do organisations best provide culturally safe support

How do organisations best support individual and communities? 



To embark on any healing journey the group must first recognise that a healing process needs to occur.

  •  Collectively the group needs to make a commitment to heal their trauma both individually and as a group, thus improving the overall wellbeing of themselves and their communities.

Recognise that changes need to occur and a healing process needs to begin

Ask what is needed



Consult with the individual or group to ensure that the service you are able to offer is what they actually need.


Often services receive funding to provide services that are not wanted, which leads to lack of participation and ultimately reductions in future funding, however another group in another area may have benefited from such programs but the funding may be withdrawn under the assumption that that particular program was not needed in our communities.

  • Consult with your community and ask them what they want.  Your success is going to be gauged by the communities commitment to your programs or services.

 The success of your intervention will rely on the fact that you have respectfully listened to what is being said by the client.

  •  To gain trust with your clients …. just listen, then clarify that you have understood the request or situation correctly.

  • Respect your client and work with their reality of the situation, regardless as to what your perception may be.

  • Ensure you maintain confidentiality regarding each individual or groups journey unless you are given permission to talk to others.

Listen to what is being said

Respect that each individual or group has their own journey and their own way of getting there

Understand that the original goals set for the individual or group may change as they embark on this journey.  Ensure that your service is flexible enough to work within these parameters.

Spirit Dreaming

PO Box 84

Alstonville   NSW 2477


ph  0418 477 093

© 2014 Spirit Dreaming Pty Ltd 

Funded by;

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Healing Foundation


Produced by;

Spirit Dreaming Pty Ltd 

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